Saturday 23 November 2013

The Jet Lag Situation

 Resetting you watch when having a 14 hour flight ahead is easy, resetting your brain is the tricky part.  When flying across time zones our bodies take time to adjust.  If after a long flight you’re experiencing insomnia at night, sleepiness during the day, difficulty concentrating, hunger or lack of appetite, THEN my dear traveler you are dealing with a jet lag (!!)

Fortunately you’re not the only one! Here are some basic tips that will prevent or aid jet lag and will soon make you a pro!

Step 1 : Start adjusting to the time zone
About a week before you’re departure, start adjusting your sleeping and eating times, an hour ahead or behind, considering your destination.

Step 2 : Prefer Overnight flights
This will allow you to sleep through your flight better and arrive at your destination in the morning or afternoon. If on the other hand you leave at daylight and arrive night time at your destination try to avoid sleeping!

Step 3 : Consider taking the sleeping or travel ease pill.
Preferably ask a doctor if any of these pills are right for you before taking them.

Step 1: Set your watch at your destination time
This will mentally prepare you for your new time zone.

Step 2 : Stay hydrated
Now this may not sound important but it is! Before your flight and every hour while on air drink plenty of water. Dehydration is one of the symptoms of jet lag and the dry cabin air does not help. If you are wearing contact lenses consider removing them or use eye drops.

Step 3 : Try to avoid alcohol on air
Due to the dry cabin air, alcohol and caffeine drinks will dry you out and therefore worsen your symptoms
Step 4 : Eat lightly
Since airplane food is served considering the time zone you’re leaving with, try eating light snacks until you arrive. Then have a proper meal at the right mealtimes.

Step 1 : Stay as much as you can in the sun
If it’s daytime at your destination try to expose yourself to as much sunlight you can. This will help you adjust easily to your new time zone.

Step 2 : Take power naps if you have to
If you’re feeling too tired it’s ok to sleep for 30 minutes or so. Try not to sleep any longer or you’ll find yourself wide awake at 4am.

So here they are, 9 steps that will help you with your jet lag situation. Does anyone have any other tips to add??

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